
Instructor led style to enable you to understand the “why” behind the correct as well as wrong answers.

This course is an introductory course and is in my preferred style of learning. I enjoy both teaching and learning in an instructor led style.

This course will give you insight into the role of Project Manager as described in PMBOK.  It is meant to be a basic introduction.

This course is designed for a PMP aspirant who prefers an interactive style of learning.

I personally like to engage with the instructor and co-learners. Several of my students have also given me feedback at various stages that they like this instructor led style. I hope this course helps you with your preparation and you like this style. Very often, it is important to know the logic and reasoning rather than simply memorizing. I hope my course gives you a glimpse of this.

If you like this style and would like further assistance, please feel free to message me and I will gladly assist with your preparation.

This course is designed for a PMP aspirant who prefers an interactive style of learning.

I personally like to engage with the instructor and co-learners. Several of my students have also given me feedback at various stages that they like this instructor led style. I hope this course helps you with your preparation and you like this style. Very often, it is important to know the logic and reasoning rather than simply memorizing. I hope my course gives you a glimpse of this.

If you like this style and would like further assistance, please feel free to message me and I will gladly assist with your preparation.

PMP – Rol del Gerente de Proyecto

Instructor led style to enable you to understand the “why” behind the correct as well as wrong answers.”

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Los cursos gratis de Udemy te permiten aprender nuevas cosas sin tener que pagar. Aprovecha la oportunidad.


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Debes tener en cuenta que todos los cursos gratuitos de Udemy son de máximo 2 horas y no incluyen un certificado.

Este curso se encuentra disponible de manera gratuita sin necesidad de ningún cupón, a través de la opción “GRATIS”.

Te recomendamos primero leer las diferencias entre un curso gratis y uno de pago para evitar malentendidos:

Cursos gratuitos
  • Contenido de vídeo en línea
Cursos de pago
  • Contenido de vídeo en línea
  • Certificado de finalización
  • Preguntas y respuestas de los instructores
  • Mensaje directo para el instructor

Aunque los cursos son colocados de manera gratuita, es posible que el autor del curso pueda cambiarlos a modalidad de pago, por lo cual te recomendamos revisar muy bien las características del curso.

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Facialix es un sitio web que tiene como objetivo apoyar en el aprendizaje y educación de jóvenes y grandes. Buscando y categorizando recursos educativos gratuitos de internet, de esta manera Facialix ayuda en el constante aprendizaje de todos.