
Photoshop High End Beauty Retouch. Learn Professional Beauty Retouching. Easy! Just repeat after me.

Learn how to retouch portrait photography using Adobe Photoshop for professional results in this step-by-step guide and tutorial.

This video tutorial that will show you a full image edit, including retouching, dodging and burning, color grading, and more. 

This tutorial will show you the full process of retouching and color grading a portrait in Lightroom and Photoshop, including using

techniques like dodging and burning, frequency separation, selective color, Curves, and more. 

In this tutorial, I show all the secrets of my processing. I show how to achieve a fabulous unusual color of greenery and the

environment. I show how to get rid of unnecessary objects in the frame and so on.

Open Photoshop window while watching the videos and apply them step-by-step in your photography.

I will also attach a RAW file with a photo to this lesson, on which you can practice.

What This Course Include?

– Whole process of basic skin retouch so You will be able to retouch the skin and hair.

– Complete Eyes retouch which shows You how to make the eyes bigger, how to retouch them, as well as how to sharpen and brighten them up!

– Complete Dodge & Burn guide which shows You how to do global and local Dodge & Burn in the right way.

– Sharpening Lesson.


– You will learn how to create simple final Adjustments

Retoque creativo de retratos con Photoshop y Lightroom

Photoshop High End Beauty Retouch. Learn Professional Beauty Retouching. Easy! Just repeat after me.”

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