
Introduction to SOLID Principles

This course starts from the ground up. It starts with a ground-up and talks about the SOLID principles.

The course then picks up the pace and introduces an ASP.NET MVC Application written with the intention of demonstrating the capabilities of the Entity Framework.

Refactoring is making small changes to the application without affecting the observable behavior of the application and at the same time improving the design of the application.

Why Refactoring?

A lot of developers complain that they are familiar with most or all of the techniques of refactoring. They have knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns as well. But when they work on their projects they hit a roadblock. After some point, it gets very difficult to write clean code. Code that is flexible, extensible, and at the same time is easy to understand, change, and maintain. In complex business applications, it is extremely difficult for most to apply these rules.

When the applications are older and they are supposed to port it to newer platforms it gets more challenging.

This course takes a practical approach. In an existing application that is significantly complex, the course adds test cases which becomes the safety net. The application is then refactored using the SOLID principles and other design patterns which improves the design of the application.

Introducción a los principios SOLID

Introduction to SOLID Principles”

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Debes tener en cuenta que todos los cursos gratuitos de Udemy son de máximo 2 horas y no incluyen un certificado.

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Te recomendamos primero leer las diferencias entre un curso gratis y uno de pago para evitar malentendidos:

Cursos gratuitos
  • Contenido de vídeo en línea
Cursos de pago
  • Contenido de vídeo en línea
  • Certificado de finalización
  • Preguntas y respuestas de los instructores
  • Mensaje directo para el instructor

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